That's a wrap!  With heartfelt gratitude, the PTO thanks all Eastwood Academy families and friends who donated to the PTO's Annual Donation Drive! This fundraising campaign ended on October 31st, but PTO accepts monetary and/or in-kind donations year-round! Visit our website for payment options (  

We were so close to reaching our fundraising goal! Congrats to everyone who contributed! Your generous donation directly benefits and supports our amazing students, teachers, staff and administration! With a total of 23 donations from families and friends, we reached 79% of our fundraising goal! This drive helps fund the 2024-2025 PTO Budget and directly benefits the Eastwood Academy school community, which continues to be one of Houston's top-ranked high schools. 

Participation Recognitions 

Highest Homeroom Participation: Drum roll please....Congratulations to Dr. Silva's Homeroom Class who brought in 7 donations, the highest donations per homeroom class! This homeroom class will celebrate with a Sundae Party!

All donations of $20+ are recognized on our PTO website and $50+ will be invited to a Gratitude Breakfast.  


Annual Donation Drive Results as of 10/31

# of Donations: 23

% of Goal Achieved: 79%

Individual Donations: $3,230

Corporate Matches: $708

Homeroom Class with Highest Participation: Dr. Silva with 7 donations

What happens after the Donation Drive ends on 10/31

PTO accepts monetary and/or in-kind donations year-round.  The Annual Donation Drive helps fund the PTO Budget at the beginning of the school year.  The generosity of our Eastwood Academy families and friends has a direct impact on our school community.  Visit our PTO website for more information (